Sunday, April 22, 2007

Would you like a side of crazy with that burger?

So, my friend Zack-I and I (wow, say that ten times fast) couldn't think of anything that we wanted to eat the other day. Given that we weren't looking for something too involved, we ended up at Rick's on the corner of Fletcher and Riverside in Silverlake.

Mind you, I didn't necessarily recommend it, but it was there, and it was quick and easy. First things first. We walk in (I have been there on a couple other occasions) and Zack-I just laughs at the stereotypical Southern California 70s diner decor inside. Seriously, this thing hasn't been updated in a couple decades at least at this point -- pink naugahyde booths and all. We get in line to place our order at the counter and the girl behind the counter (loudly chatting in EspaƱol to the back of the house) finally looks up after a couple minutes with this abject look of I couldn't be bothered.

We order our burgers and fries and lower ourselves into one of the pepto-colored booths and wait. Food comes out quickly enough, and I must say, the burger is definitely one of the better ones I've had at a takeout joint in a while. The meat was succulent, and not cooked to undead status, and the buns were buttered and toasted. Fries were fresh, and light. So far so good. I'm thinking that I'm going to forgive the timewarp decor and even the attitude of the cashier...

And then Schizo-guy walks in. Imagine someone that looks like a distant and very tired looking older cousin of Billy Bob Thornton dressed in ripped construction pants, a faded flannel shirt and a ball cap, and you've got the idea. He's yelling at the counter as he's walking out the back door that he doesn't have any money for the coffee he ordered. If that were it, I would have said, "OK, that was weird" and left it at that but no. Guy keeps coming in and out. At one point, he's mentioning to one of the Latina employees (who pretended not to speak English at this point) that they should install 15-watt light bulbs in the bathroom to make it more "mood lit" while he sat on the throne and read in there. Um... when was the last time you remembered to take your meds, guy?

I'm getting amused at this all, and Zack-I is rolling his eyes while shoving more burger in his mouth. Schizoid leaves again after his request for "mood lit bathroom" is met with silence, and starts commenting on the cop that had just pulled someone over in Rick's driveway.

"Man, that's a mean looking sumbitch. I bet he was in the ARMY and got kicked out. Only LAPD would hire one of them and give them a gun. I remember when Daddy was in the ARMY and I have his discharge papers. I have the REAL ones. They don't give out the real ones like they used to anymore. I need to make sure that it's somewhere safe when the government comes knocking at the door. I'm so sorry Daddy, I shoulda spent more time with you. I'm missing you. But I kept your discharge papers safe..." So on and so forth. And the above is the part that actually made enough sense for me to remember.

So, boys and girls, if you go to Rick's (and by all means do -- the food is cheap and really not bad), remember to stay for the slice of human life drama that comes with your order. The characters are definitely there.

"Welcome to Rick's, may I take your order? And would you like a side of lithium or a razor blade with your Asada Burrito and fries?"

1 comment:

Zacki said...

There's no accounting for crazy! I totally agree...the food is well worth the trip to crazyville, and fun I might add!